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Runme by Example

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Discover the various ways you can use Runme to run your code straight from your Markdown file. Explore our example page to learn more exciting ways you can use Runme. These examples showcase improved ways you can use Runme, such as in hardening your Ubuntu server, within your dev container, etc. In this section, you will find a variety of features and examples to help you get the most out of Runme.

1. Advanced Usage of Piping and Variables

Runme works a lot like a terminal, however, unlike Python's Jupyter it does not allow block-scope sharing of variables. Instead, you are encourage to use environment variables for inter-referencing of cells. Similar to how piping in and out of commands would work. Piping works in two ways. 1.) It's declared using $__ to pass a variable declared in a previous execution to another cell or 2.) using a ENV variable.

Runme swiftly allows for complex piping and usage of variables across cells. Here is an example using Git with $__ (reference the previous execution result):

  • List Git Branches Matching a Pattern:
git branch -l | grep -v "chore"
  • Process the Output in $__ a Subsequent Cell:
echo "$__" | while read line
if [ ! -z "$line" ]; then echo "Feature branch: ${line}"; fi
  • Process a ENV-variable-named Output:

Please note how above's cell is conveniently available in the environment via $GIT_BRANCHES (please inspect raw markdown). Only cells named with uppercase letters and separated by underscores (min length is 3) are exported as environment variables:

The convention is simple e.g.:

  • A2B3C4
echo -n "$GIT_BRANCHES" | grep -v "main"

2. Working with Stdin, Stdout, and Stderr

As a system administrator or developer, using standard streams for scripting, automation, error handling, and managing system resources is one common task in your day-to-day life.

In this section, we have crafted examples to demonstrate various ways to work with stdin, stdout, and stderr, in Runme.

  • Reading from stdin and writing to stdout:
$ cat
Enter your text here.

In this example, cat is invoked without any arguments, so it waits for input from stdin. After entering text and pressing ^D (Ctrl+D), it writes the input to stdout.

  • Redirecting stdin and stdout:
$ cat < input.txt > output.txt

Here, cat reads from input.txt (redirected stdin) and writes to output.txt (redirected stdout).

  • Appending to an Existing File:
$ echo "New content." >> existing_file.txt

This appends the text "New content." to the file existing_file.txt.

  • Redirecting stderr:
$ ls non_existent_dir 2> error_log.txt

If ls encounters an error (like trying to list a non-existent directory), the error message will be redirected to error_log.txt.

  • Redirecting stderr to stdout:
$ ls non_existent_dir 2>&1

This redirects both stderr and stdout to the same destination, which is typically the terminal.

  • Piping Output:
$ ls | grep ".txt"

This pipes the output of ls (which lists files and directories) to grep, which filters lines containing ".txt".

  • Redirecting stdout and stderr to Different Files:
$ myprogram > output.log 2> error.log

This runs myprogram, directing stdout to output.log and stderr to error.log, allowing for separate logging of standard output and error messages.

You have just seen some improved ways you can use Runme in your documentation, but that’s not all!

If you encounter any challenges with these practices, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We would be glad to assist you.